Leveraging machine learning model to develop data-oriented solution for mental health professionals

Leveraging machine learning model to develop data-oriented solution for mental health professionals

B2B Mental health evaluation tool

B2B Mental health evaluation tool


Nov 2022-May 2023
Currently undergoing beta testing


End-to-end design & delivery

of key features


2 designers, 1 PM, Dev team + ML team



Nicely is a mental health assessment tool that supports mental health providers to give highly individualized and data-driven care for their clients and create more impactful client/counselor relationships.

Nicely is a mental health assessment tool that supports mental health providers to give highly individualized and data-driven care for their clients and create more impactful client/counselor relationships.

The problem

The problem

Decisions of care provision are made on the bases of limited data and monitoring due to significant grey zones in between appointments;

This often leads to a disconnection between the care provider and client, resulting in high misdiagnosis rates and frustration from both parties regarding the level of care given.

Decisions of care provision are made on the bases of limited data and monitoring due to significant grey zones in between appointments;

This often leads to a disconnection between the care provider and client, resulting in high misdiagnosis rates and frustration from both parties regarding the level of care given.

Product Goal

By leveraging LLM-guided journaling and summarization, the product is engineered to provide intricate analysis of an individual's social media interactions.

It is also an AI-powered journaling platform that better informs the therapist about user's needs and behavioral characteristics when they need help.

Instead of replacing mental health professionals, the tool is designed to help them do their jobs more quickly and make fewer mistakes.

By leveraging LLM-guided journaling and summarization, the product is engineered to provide intricate analysis of an individual's social media interactions.

It is also an AI-powered journaling platform that better informs the therapist about user's needs and behavioral characteristics when they need help.

Instead of replacing mental health professionals, the tool is designed to help them do their jobs more quickly and make fewer mistakes.

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

How might we create a mental health assessment tool that contextualizes emotions and provides a data-oriented solution to improve the current diagnosis processes?

How might we create a mental health assessment tool that contextualizes emotions and provides a data-oriented solution to improve the current diagnosis processes?

Problems with existing solutions

Problems with existing solutions

Blind spot

Blind spot

Grey zones that elapse between sessions with minimal monitoring, which creats a disconnect between 2 parties

Grey zones that elapse between sessions with minimal monitoring, which creats a disconnect between 2 parties

Narrow points of assessment

Narrow points of assessment

Decisions of care provision are made on the bases of limited data

Decisions of care provision are made on the bases of limited data

Limited follow-up

Limited follow-up

Lack of mechanisms to that allow individual tracking and mental health trajectories

Lack of mechanisms to that allow individual tracking and mental health trajectories

Over complication

Over complication

High-tech solutions in the mental health space are often overly complicated. Most solution requires prior tranning and are difficult to intergrate with the conventional diagosis process.

High-tech solutions in the mental health space are often overly complicated. Most solution requires prior tranning and are difficult to intergrate with the conventional diagosis process.

Design Solution

Design Solution

Key Design Highlights

Key Design Highlights

User Portrait

User Portrait

At the heart of this tool is the user portrait feature, designed to effectively capture an emotional snapshot of a patient by diving into behavioral traits exhibited across social media platforms, silently assessing patterns, and ensuring that our analysis is both non-intrusive and consistently updated.

At the heart of this tool is the user portrait feature, designed to effectively capture an emotional snapshot of a patient by diving into behavioral traits exhibited across social media platforms, silently assessing patterns, and ensuring that our analysis is both non-intrusive and consistently updated.

data analysis

data analysis

The emotional snapshot not only helps professionals to provide more precise, data-driven care between appointments, but also encourages self-diagnosis, fostering proactive measures to identify and resolve times of crisis.

The emotional snapshot not only helps professionals to provide more precise, data-driven care between appointments, but also encourages self-diagnosis, fostering proactive measures to identify and resolve times of crisis.

daily check-ins

daily check-ins

Journal entries serve as an active touchpoint that ensures consistent engagement and monitoring. The real-time feedback for both ends fosters an informed, responsive, and collaborative approach to mental health care, enabling timely intervention.

Journal entries serve as an active touchpoint that ensures consistent engagement and monitoring. The real-time feedback for both ends fosters an informed, responsive, and collaborative approach to mental health care, enabling timely intervention.

mental wellbeing

mental wellbeing

Rather than having patients complete a serious traditional mental health assessments, the wellness bot transforms diagnostic questionnaires into an interactive chat.

Rather than having patients complete a serious traditional mental health assessments, the wellness bot transforms diagnostic questionnaires into an interactive chat.

mental wellbeing

mental wellbeing

Many mental tests within the section serve as multifunctional tools, not only for screening and diagnosis but also for monitoring and gauging depression severity. They blend diagnostic criteria with other primary depressive symptoms into a concise self-report instrument.

Many mental tests within the section serve as multifunctional tools, not only for screening and diagnosis but also for monitoring and gauging depression severity. They blend diagnostic criteria with other primary depressive symptoms into a concise self-report instrument.

Enough case studies today? Jump ahead and see the pretty pictures!

Enough case studies today? Jump ahead and see the pretty pictures!

Design Process

Design Process

Market Analysis

Market Analysis

  • 1 in 5 students actively suffer from mental distress

  • 65% of Gen-Z report experiencing depression at one point

  • 27 million People in the United States suffer from mental health problems and will never receive treatment, which is 50% of all the mental health patients

  • 1 in 5 students actively suffer from mental distress

  • 65% of Gen-Z report experiencing depression at one point

  • 27 million People in the United States suffer from mental health problems and will never receive treatment, which is 50% of all the mental health patients

I analyzed some existing AI-powered mental health apps, tools for therapists to interact with clients between sessions, and reviewed a list of existing EHR & Practice Management Software. This research informed the direction for Nicely's dashboard, tracking, and mental health assessment features.

I analyzed some existing AI-powered mental health apps, tools for therapists to interact with clients between sessions, and reviewed a list of existing EHR & Practice Management Software. This research informed the direction for Nicely's dashboard, tracking, and mental health assessment features.

(1) Mental health app that guides users through mood assessments and provides insights into their emotional well-being.

(2) AI-driven chatbot that offers cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques and emotional support through conversation.

(3) App that offers psychological self-tests and interactive modules to help users better understand and manage their mental health.

(4) AI-powered app that combines mood tracking, AI chatbot interactions, and therapeutic interventions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy principles.

(5) Tools for mood tracking, journaling, and homework assignments, designed to enables therapists and counselors to engage with clients between sessions

(6) Telehealth solutions that include secure video sessions, appointment scheduling, and patient engagement tools

(1) Mental health app that guides users through mood assessments and provides insights into their emotional well-being.

(2) AI-driven chatbot that offers cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques and emotional support through conversation.

(3) App that offers psychological self-tests and interactive modules to help users better understand and manage their mental health.

(4) AI-powered app that combines mood tracking, AI chatbot interactions, and therapeutic interventions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy principles.

(5) Tools for mood tracking, journaling, and homework assignments, designed to enables therapists and counselors to engage with clients between sessions

(6) Telehealth solutions that include secure video sessions, appointment scheduling, and patient engagement tools

User Research Objective

To understand the challenges faced by mental health providers in collecting continuous and accurate data about their clients

To assess the viability of an online mental health evaluation tool for enhancing care provision.

User Research Objective

To understand the challenges faced by mental health providers in collecting continuous and accurate data about their clients

To assess the viability of an online mental health evaluation tool for enhancing care provision.

Users / Use Cases

Users / Use Cases

Private Practice (Individual counsellors)


Hospitals (Hospital therapists) Universities (University psychologists)


Schools (School counselors)


Private Practice (Individual counsellors)


Hospitals (Hospital therapists) Universities (University psychologists)


Schools (School counselors)




Mixed-methods approach combining both qualitative (interviews, focus groups) and quantitative (surveys, data analytics) techniques.

Mixed-methods approach combining both qualitative (interviews, focus groups) and quantitative (surveys, data analytics) techniques.

User Persona

Forward thinking private mental health care providers in urban areas that are 28-40 years old who look to give more objective and data driven care for their clients, understanding their clients on a deeper level and providing assertive follow ups when necessary.

Forward thinking private mental health care providers in urban areas that are 28-40 years old who look to give more objective and data driven care for their clients, understanding their clients on a deeper level and providing assertive follow ups when necessary.

Translating findings into needs statements

Identifying the unaddressed and latent needs.

Three Main Design Pillars




Presenting information in a clear, organized and distinct way. Minimal training is needed to use our application.

Presenting information in a clear, organized and distinct way. Minimal training is needed to use our application.

Contextualizing clients' emotion states during the day, supporting counselors to make data-oriented diagnosis.

Contextualizing clients' emotion states during the day, supporting counselors to make data-oriented diagnosis.

Providing proactive care, allowing providers to identify and resolve times of crisis.

Providing proactive care, allowing providers to identify and resolve times of crisis.

Information Architecture

The case study focuses on the colored sections of the information architectures provided below.

The case study focuses on the colored sections of the information architectures provided below.

Design iterations

Starting from the wireframe, each iteration is an opportunity to refine and improve upon the initial design.

Starting from the wireframe, each iteration is an opportunity to refine and improve upon the initial design.


Ensuring that similar functions or prompts across the tool use consistent language, ex. "anger/optimism/joy/sadness" and "negative & positive."

Ensuring that similar functions or prompts across the tool use consistent language, ex. "anger/optimism/joy/sadness" and "negative & positive."

Mindful Language

Adjusting the tone to be consistent while the language remains straightforward and clear. Instead of using the term "mental tests" which might make patients feel evaluated, consider phrasing it as "How's your mind today?."

Adjusting the tone to be consistent while the language remains straightforward and clear. Instead of using the term "mental tests" which might make patients feel evaluated, consider phrasing it as "How's your mind today?."

Refining UI system

Refining color schemes, spacing, and other visual elements to make them more effective and appealing.

Refining color schemes, spacing, and other visual elements to make them more effective and appealing.

Design Handoff

Worked in close collaboration with the teams to successfully deliver design implementations in Q4 2022. Currently working on new feature developments to launch in Q4 2023.

Integrated machine learning model, running at a 82% accuracy across four labels (angry, sad, joy, optimism) and 90% for two labels (negative, positive), evaluating at a rate of 13 samples per second.

Worked in close collaboration with the teams to successfully deliver design implementations in Q4 2022. Currently working on new feature developments to launch in Q4 2023.

Integrated machine learning model, running at a 82% accuracy across four labels (angry, sad, joy, optimism) and 90% for two labels (negative, positive), evaluating at a rate of 13 samples per second.


Final Experience

Final Experience

User portrait that effectively captures a patient's emotional snapshot

User portrait that effectively captures a patient's emotional snapshot

Active check-ins to monitor the 'grey zones'

Active check-ins to monitor the 'grey zones'

Transform screening tool & diagnostic questionnaires into an interactive chat

Transform screening tool & diagnostic questionnaires into an interactive chat

Help professionals to provide more precise, data-driven care

Help professionals to provide more precise, data-driven care



Recognizing the sensitivity of the mental health domain, it became evident that words are not just a medium of communication, but a pivotal element in creating a supportive and empathetic user experience. This journey has underscored the significance of UX writing, emphasizing its role not only in clarity and usability but also in establishing a genuine connection with the user. A thoughtfully worded interface can make the difference between a tool that merely functions and one that truly resonates and supports its users.

Engaging with mental health professionals has highlighted the invaluable nature of interdisciplinary collaboration in creating a product that's both technologically sound and psychologically informed.

Recognizing that while technology can be a valuable tool, it has its limitations, especially in areas like mental health. It's crucial to understand when human intervention is irreplaceable.

Recognizing the sensitivity of the mental health domain, it became evident that words are not just a medium of communication, but a pivotal element in creating a supportive and empathetic user experience. This journey has underscored the significance of UX writing, emphasizing its role not only in clarity and usability but also in establishing a genuine connection with the user. A thoughtfully worded interface can make the difference between a tool that merely functions and one that truly resonates and supports its users.

Engaging with mental health professionals has highlighted the invaluable nature of interdisciplinary collaboration in creating a product that's both technologically sound and psychologically informed.

Recognizing that while technology can be a valuable tool, it has its limitations, especially in areas like mental health. It's crucial to understand when human intervention is irreplaceable.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this case study!