Elevating the user experience and performance of a responsive job-hunting website

Elevating the user experience and performance of a responsive job-hunting website

B2C Job searching platform aiming to make international students' life easier

B2C Job searching platform aiming to make international students' life easier


Jun 2023 - Oct 2023


User Research, Conceptualization, end-to-end design & delivery of key features


Product designer, Product manager, Engineers






Haitouwang is a job search tool initially built by a group of engineers at GoValley¹. Unlike LinkedIn or Glassdoor, the website is designed for international students, aiming to be an effective tool along their journey to landing a dream job.

¹ Founded in 2015 by a team including Peking University computer science alumni, MIT affiliates, former Baidu product managers, Harvard scholars, and Hong Kong listed company directors, the team is leveraging extensive experience in tech job coaching, dedicated to strengthening the global Chinese tech community.

Haitouwang is a job search tool initially built by a group of engineers at GoValley¹. Unlike LinkedIn or Glassdoor, the website is designed for international students, aiming to be an effective tool along their journey to landing a dream job.

¹ Founded in 2015 by a team including Peking University computer science alumni, MIT affiliates, former Baidu product managers, Harvard scholars, and Hong Kong listed company directors, the team is leveraging extensive experience in tech job coaching, dedicated to strengthening the global Chinese tech community.

The problem

The problem

The problem

Data, analytics, and metrics are our window into the performance of the website, currently they presented us with a few major issues.

Data, analytics, and metrics are our window into the performance of the website, currently they presented us with a few major issues.

In the

past six months

In the

past six months

  • Daily Active Users (DAU) that has shown to be decreased.

  • Bouncing rate that has shown to be steadily increased.

  • Low Conversion rate (CVR) and Customer Retention Rate (CRR) that have led to higher churn.

  • Daily Active Users (DAU) that has shown to be decreased.

  • Bouncing rate that has shown to be steadily increased.

  • Low Conversion rate (CVR) and Customer Retention Rate (CRR) that have led to higher churn.




The Project Objective

The Project Objective

The opportunity presented us with finding design solutions to elevate the overall user experience, address negative metrics, increase user engagement rate and user growth, eventually regaining the lost users.

The opportunity presented us with finding design solutions to elevate the overall user experience, address negative metrics, increase user engagement rate and user growth, eventually regaining the lost users.

Design Challenge

Design Challenge

How might we improve the website's performance to grow active users and drive business impact, thereby increasing both the conversion and retention rate?

How might we improve the website's performance to grow active users and drive business impact, thereby increasing both the conversion and retention rate?

How might we improve the website's performance to grow active users and drive business impact, thereby increasing both the conversion and retention rate?

UX Approaches from here …

UX Approaches from here …

Initial suggestion From PM

Initial suggestion From PM

Having analyzed the interfaces of some direct competitors, my product manager suggested that I learn more about the younger generation, who prefer richer visuals.

Having analyzed the interfaces of some direct competitors, my product manager suggested that I learn more about the younger generation, who prefer richer visuals.

Having analyzed the interfaces of some direct competitors, my product manager suggested that I learn more about the younger generation, who prefer richer visuals.

To cater to our target audience's needs, I was suggested to start by refining the current user interface. The goal is to unify all design elements to achieve a modern and consistent look.

To cater to our target audience's needs, I was suggested to start by refining the current user interface. The goal is to unify all design elements to achieve a modern and consistent look.

To cater to our target audience's needs, I was suggested to start by refining the current user interface. The goal is to unify all design elements to achieve a modern and consistent look.

Final Peek

Final Peek

Final Peek

Key Design Highlights

Key Design Highlights

Enough case studies today? Jump ahead and see the pretty pictures!

Enough case studies today? Jump ahead and see the pretty pictures!

Design Process

Design Process




After unpacking the requirements and debriefing with the product manager, I began the research process by closely examining the current users

After unpacking the requirements and debriefing with the product manager, I began the research process by closely examining the current users

Understanding the lost users

(Churn Rate)

The objective of this research was to gather directional feedback to troubleshoot unaddressed needs / pain points, as well as to learn about new sets of features that could be implemented.

Understanding the lost users

(Churn Rate)

The objective of this research was to gather directional feedback to troubleshoot unaddressed needs / pain points, as well as to learn about new sets of features that could be implemented.

User interview (20)

mass survey (200+)

User interview (20)

mass survey (200+)

Key insights

Key insights

Our platform


Our platform


Why does user choose to use Haitouwang in the first place?

  • Constantly receive up-to-date yet relevant information on jobs for international students

  • Expecting better support for visa-related queries

Why does user choose to use Haitouwang in the first place?

  • Constantly receive up-to-date yet relevant information on jobs for international students

  • Expecting better support for visa-related queries

Why does user choose to use Haitouwang in the first place?

  • Constantly receive up-to-date yet relevant information on jobs for international students

  • Expecting better support for visa-related queries

Which areas does user find unsatisfactory about Haitouwang / areas of improvement?

  • Information on website often do not clearly address visa and specific work status requirement

  • Content feels too general and lacks tailored personalized experience

Which areas does user find unsatisfactory about Haitouwang / areas of improvement?

  • Information on website often do not clearly address visa and specific work status requirement

  • Content feels too general and lacks tailored personalized experience

Which areas does user find unsatisfactory about Haitouwang / areas of improvement?

  • Information on website often do not clearly address visa and specific work status requirement

  • Content feels too general and lacks tailored personalized experience

Where does user drop?

  • After browsing job descriptions

  • Looking for sponsorship info while considering whether to apply for the job

Where does user drop?

  • After browsing job descriptions

  • Looking for sponsorship info while considering whether to apply for the job

Where does user drop?

  • After browsing job descriptions

  • Looking for sponsorship info while considering whether to apply for the job

Where does user go after drop-off?

  • Immigration + H1B Data Websites (ex. USCIS, h1bgrader, etc.)

  • External application portals to finish the application

  • Application trackers (ex. Excel)

Where does user go after drop-off?

  • Immigration + H1B Data Websites (ex. USCIS, h1bgrader, etc.)

  • External application portals to finish the application

  • Application trackers (ex. Excel)

Where does user go after drop-off?

  • Immigration + H1B Data Websites (ex. USCIS, h1bgrader, etc.)

  • External application portals to finish the application

  • Application trackers (ex. Excel)



Use case examples

Use case examples

Use case examples

There are primarily two types of users and use cases, with the potential users mostly comprising the younger generation

There are primarily two types of users and use cases, with the potential users mostly comprising the younger generation

Specific problems current users have encountered with Haitouwang

Specific problems current users have encountered with Haitouwang


Primary user / use cases


Primary user / use cases


Quick, straightfoward, and clear information = One-stop experience

  • Difficulty finding relevant information quickly

  • Ineffective filters for job searching


Quick, straightfoward, and clear information = One-stop experience

  • Difficulty finding relevant information quickly

  • Ineffective filters for job searching


Secondary user / use cases


Secondary user / use cases


Focusing on broader search criteria and job application management experience

  • Prioritize advanced and specific filters

  • A closer read to the job description


Focusing on broader search criteria and job application management experience

  • Prioritize advanced and specific filters

  • A closer read to the job description



Found out where exactly Haitouwang lost its users …(Drop-off rate)

Found out where exactly Haitouwang lost its users …(Drop-off rate)

Found out where exactly Haitouwang lost its users …(Drop-off rate)

Pivot our goals + scope and redefining the design challenge

Pivot our goals + scope and redefining the design challenge

Pivot our goals + scope and redefining the design challenge



Design Opportunities

Filters should be designed more specifically for international students

More visibility on sponsorship-related information

Design Opportunities

Filters should be designed more specifically for international students

More visibility on sponsorship-related information

User Research with UX researchers

User Research with UX researchers

User Insights Translation

User Insights Translation

Aligning the updated problemspace with PM, Eng, and UX

Aligning the updated problemspace with PM, Eng, and UX


Making our interface look more eye-catching may not be our most pressing goal …

There are more critical problems that need to be addressed, and are of higher priority!


Making our interface look more eye-catching may not be our most pressing goal …

There are more critical problems that need to be addressed, and are of higher priority!



Translating findings into actionable items through feature brainstorming

Translating findings into actionable items through feature brainstorming





Improved Effective Search Experience

Place the search bar and filter bars more prominently on the page—making it visible and accessible enhances findability

Offer suggested searchers as users type to help them find results faster and often correct errors in their search queries

Straight-forward Insights with High Glanceability

Refined content organization

Added straightforward sponsorship-related information with the option to expand for full details

robust Filter system

Precise filtering and tailored job search

  • Offer robust search criteria that consider factors like experience level, work mode/model, visa sponsorship

  • Freedom to personalize the filter bar

H-1B Navigator

Navigate sponsorship options

  • Real-time updates and historical trends on sponsorship rates

  • Assess which employers have a strong track record of sponsoring H-1B visas

Smart AI integration

AI to explain job-related terminology, key points and details made clear.

  • Checkmark critical job details, such as required skills, qualifications, visa sponsorship availability, job benefits

  • Allowing users to make informed decisions without reading lengthy descriptions.

Design Iteration

Design Iteration




Final Experience

Final Experience


robust Filter system


robust Filter system


H-1B Navigator


H-1B Navigator


Smart aI integration


Smart aI integration


Daily Active Users

Daily Active Users



MVP Scope Features

MVP Scope Features



MVP Release Time

MVP Release Time








  • Comprehensive user research that understands actual user needs and behaviors is fundamental for uncovering insights and creating impactful solutions that genuinely enhance the user experience.

  • It's crucial to keep a proactive communication with stakeholders & team members to ensure scope alignment, swift resolution of issues and smooth design process.

  • Comprehensive user research that understands actual user needs and behaviors is fundamental for uncovering insights and creating impactful solutions that genuinely enhance the user experience.

  • It's crucial to keep a proactive communication with stakeholders & team members to ensure scope alignment, swift resolution of issues and smooth design process.



In future iterations …

  • The focus can shift towards enhancing later stages of the user journey, such as post-application experiences. (ex. integrating features like a job tracker to provide ongoing value.)

  • Explore innovative methods for improving discoverability, such as optimizing email strategies and other channels to attract new users while retaining and engaging existing ones.

In future iterations …

  • The focus can shift towards enhancing later stages of the user journey, such as post-application experiences. (ex. integrating features like a job tracker to provide ongoing value.)

  • Explore innovative methods for improving discoverability, such as optimizing email strategies and other channels to attract new users while retaining and engaging existing ones.

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